September 19, 2008

Big Sur Bakery And Restaurant

Big Sur Bakery And Restaurant

Unfortunately, we didn't have the time this time to cruise all the way down the California coast, but we wanted to go as far as Big Sur, at least. There's no actual Big Sur city, per se, so this appropriately named roadside restaurant seemed liked as good a landmark as any to mark our turn-around point. Although it took us a few back-and-forth along Highway 1 to find it for sure, since the car's GPS mis-labeled its position on the map.

Big Sur Lunch Got there toward the late-side of lunch, but the menu was short so no time needed for review. A curried split pea soup and green salad for her, with bread crusts on the side. A simple cheese-burger and fries for me. Nothing fancy, but tasty and fresh. Took a while for the food to get to us, but we weren't in any hurry, and the outdoor patio offered a nice view of the surrounding forest and coastal mountains in the distance. Kinda expensive, but not so easy to find good quality food in the middle of a national forest, even one as well-traveled as this one.

The bakery goods looked delicious with luscious sweet rolls and soft cookies. Unfortunately the wife spied a stray fly trapped in the display case which turned her off. Nevertheless, we were properly refreshed and ready to turn around for the trip back up the coastal highway towards home.

Coastal Forest

Big Sur Bakery And Restaurant
47540 Highway 1
Big Sur, CA 93920
(831) 667-0520

Posted by mikewang at September 19, 2008 02:45 PM