August 24, 2008

雅朵碟子義大利廚房 - Piattini e Vini

雅朵碟子義大利廚房 Formerly the Osteria Rialto, reoriented from formal Venetian cuisine towards more small-plate, casual style more suited to the Taiwan audience. They did a good job in bringing a bit of authentic Italian flair to the restaurant. More importantly, an authentic brick oven in the kitchen to do the pizza crusts right, as shown best in the simple Pizza Margherita. Ponied up for the deluxe version with the Mozzarella di Bufala and organic tomatoes and felt like we got our money's worth.

Piattini e Vini - Pizza Margherita w/Mozzarella di Bufala I ordered the ricotta gnocchi. The potato dumplings were hand-made and fluffy, but the ricotta cream sauce was a bit one-note and congealed once it cooled off. A stronger cheese like gorgonzola would've made a more interesting dressing but I can see how the stinky cheese might be off-putting to the Asian palate of the typical clientele.

They were tearing up the streets and sidewalks right outside the restaurant at the time which must've murdered their business as we were the only ones there on a Sunday evening. However, now that the street's been repaved business seemed improved when we walked by again. Hopefully they'll stay around (unlike their late sister-restaurant in the Neo19 complex), since a good neighborhood Italian restaurant is certainly not to be taken for granted in Taiwan.

Piattini e Vini

Posted by mikewang at August 24, 2008 08:30 PM