April 29, 2008

WASABI Japanese Buffet

WASABI Japanese Buffet

The father-in-law had to fast for his health checkup so a nice all-you-can-eat buffet seemed like the perfect post-op fill-up. And he likes Japanese food, so the premium buffet in the Taipei101 restaurant row seemed liked a perfect option. We had a coupon for one-person-free which made the pricey buffet a more worthwhile value. The restaurant was packed but not overflowing even on a Tuesday night, which was good in that all the eaters helped to keep the buffet fresh. The place must be an absolute zoo on holidays, though.

The buffet line featured a wide variety of seafoods, meats, and main dishes. The coal-grilled skewers were tasty and freshly grilled, and they were surprisingly generous with the sushi with decent quality raw fish. The raw oysters and crab legs were a bit harder to come by, though, but the FIL was a crafty buffet-goer and snatched up enough of the good stuff for all of us. Probably not the best value-option for us small-stomached folk, but it worked out nicely for this particular occasion.

(Taipei101 4F)

Posted by mikewang at April 29, 2008 07:45 PM