April 19, 2008


十二燒 - Starters

SO's cousins and David all have birthdays around mid-April so it seems like a good reason to get everyone together for an evening out. A good izakaya is always good for a party, and this one on 市民大道 is one of many in the area.

The menu offered all the izakaya basics. Mixed salad with Japanese-style miso-sesame dressing. Deep-fried chicken wings and scallion-stuffed pork-instestine rolls alongside. All designed to make you drink plenty of beer, sake, or soju along with the food.

十二燒 - 燒物

MacBethian Nabe Moved into a bit more substantial fare for the next round with a mixed meat-skewer plate and the coal-grilled squid (with mayonnaise for dipping). Well-marinated edamame and other pickled morsels for even more 下酒菜. Topped it all off with a kimchee nabe. The bubbling fermented cabbage hot-pot looked like an evil witch's brew and smelled similar, but the spicy soup is surprisingly tasty. And you can always put out the fire with more beer.

All in all it was a good time. The only downside is that beer is a bit costly compared to similar places. They didn't offer pitchers and the per-bottle price was a bit high, which added up fast, especially with David around. Still, there was more than enough suds to put me away well before the night was over, and they've got to make their money somewhere, considering the high-rent of the premium East-side district.

April Birthday Party


Posted by mikewang at April 19, 2008 06:30 PM